Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Blueprint

Hello everybody,

My name is Louis Ivone Fomby Third, Not LOUIS IVONE FOMBY III. You see LOUIS is really ... for Real my Government name. It is my "legal fiction" i use to transaction business in the UNITED STATES. Enough about me. What is this all about?

This is all about public economic education. A lot of us went to "Public School" and got what we thought was a pretty good education. We learned from our teachers what they knew. We learned how to read and write and add and subtract What i will instruct you on is Personal Economic Solutions education.

I will attempt to give you a sound and proper education that you in turn can teach your children.

This is my short introductory blog and i have never blogged before so you will have to give me room to grow.

The Blueprint for your education in American Economic Solution is to first let you know who you currently are. Most of you are 14 amendment CITIZENS and you are given things you can do by the Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! These things are called Privileges!

Myself, on the other hand am a Private Person of Posterity, a Soverign Personan Sojourn, by fact; not by a 14th amendment citizen or surety within; or subject for; or allegiance to the corporate "UNITED STATES"; or to any defacto, compact, corporate, commerical state contracting herein; on to the "united States of America," nonetheless carrying with me excusive, original, sovereign jurisdiction and venue having one supreme court and United States Court of International Trade. This is soon to be a matter of public record tendered in cyberspace at

This means I will have "rights" not privileges by contract in Admirality!

I know this is a lot of big word and shit but fear not . . . i will explain them all to you.

You will have a very good education. You will be awakened to from where you are to where you can go if you choose! Red Pill or the Blue Pill Neo . . . I love that movie!

See ya next blog

Louis Fomby,
Secured Party Creditor,
Non-Domestic, without the US

PS - There is lots of Money involved too! lol

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